About Us


Simple Legends is a FREE site for all to use.
Our goal at Simple Legends is to discover, promote and launch talented vocal artists, and that's just the beginning. This site was created to level the musical playing field so everyone can have a fair chance to share their voice and talent, thus allowing us to discover vocal artists. 
All you have to do is:
  1. Listen to the music.
  2. Record your voice.
  3. Decide how you want to share. 
Promote yourself on our platform and we will promote you across our social media platforms as well.
Why would we be doing this? Simple! We (the creators of Simple Legends) know what it's like to be at the bottom of the totem pole. We know what it's like to have lived in a car. We know what it's like when the doors of opportunity are shut upon you, and we know what it's like to have to forge your own path. It is our core belief that no one should have to struggle to the point where it seems as though the odds are never in their favor. We are people who truly love music and everything the music industry has to offer. We know there are millions of talented vocal artists out there who don't have the tools or means to be heard, so we wanted to create a tool, FREE of charge for singers to use.
What's the catch? There isn't one. Simple Legends is about the symbiotic relationship between the musician and platform used. Simple Legends was inspired by musicians and cannot exist without all musicians who continue to use our site, so to all of you - THANK YOU.
With the ability to share your vocal talent across several social media platforms, Simple Legends strives to become the platform where individuals can allow themselves to be heard. Share your talent on your personal social media pages and we'll share it on ours. Which ever method you choose, we look forward to hearing from you!